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Care worker jobs in Lytham





a lady helping an elderly woman with a walking cane

A compassionate team dedicated to making a difference

Care is one of the largest industries on the planet – but it's also famously plagued with administrative and bureaucratic issues. PBM Care are intimately acquainted with the issues in the care industry – and what can be done to address these.

With this mind, we aim to provide more support, pay and structure than the average care industry and provide the best possible experience for our staff.

Ready to join a team of carers that truly care? Register your interest with joining us here.

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two ladies holding hands in a caring fasion



a lady talking with an elderly lady in an enjoyable conversation

How does PBM Care find work?

PBM Care are an introductory care agency in Lytham, who contract self-employed and freelance carers in the region.

Our network of contacts in the care industry allows us to source work from the public, private and government sectors. This is then passed to our carers, sparing them from having to prospect themselves and saving them from the on-and-off way of working normally associated with freelancing.

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How much does PBM Care pay?

PBM Care only take a small commission of the money charged for each client – The vast majority of the money for each contract goes to the carer. You do not need to worry about being fairly for your working hours with PBM Care.


Our pay structure is as follows:

  • Companionship care - £13 to £14 per hour
  • Personal care - £15 to £16 per hour
  • Specialise care - £18+ per hour
  • Holistic therapist - £25+ per hour


The price of the initial DBS check will be refunded after 12 months. We also endeavour to support or subcontractors by equipping them with resources to help manage their finances, and can potentially connect them with financial advisors.

We believe that sharing is caring – And to that and we both share our profits and give back to our clients with discounted holistic health treatments. Click here to find out more.




 two ladies drinking tea outside in a garden

How does PBM Care find subcontractors?

Once you get in touch with us to register your interest in joining PBM Care, we will invite you to send us a current CV. You will find out if you've been shortlisted for the PBM Care team shortly after we look through your CV.

If you have been shortlisted then we will conduct a two-stage interview to get to know you, your experience and above all your dedication to caregiving.

We will contact you with a final decision once we have carried out reference, background and DBS checks.

Register your Interest




What plans does PBM Care have for the future?

One of our immediate concerns is providing our subcontractors with opportunities to undertake holistic therapy or MLD training. This both ensures they can offer a wider spectrum of care in the short-term and opens more doors for their professional development.

The range of teaching and training opportunities will only expand as PBM Care continues to grow.

We will also be offering health and beauty treatments to our clients and subcontractors alike as a way of saying thank you to the wonderful people we work with. These will be tying into the overall PBM Social Programme, and sets us apart as a care agency in Lytham.

Learn about our Cause



PBM Care are an introductory care agency in Lytham – We coordinate and oversee the efforts of freelance caregivers.

Help us spread the word! We are offering £50 per client referral – Please get in touch at

Currently awaiting full CQC approval – We are offering companionship services in the interim.

Have any questions or concerns? Please reach out to us at or call us at 07421 786300.